Faculty of Classics : All Pages
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- Graduate Admissions
- Undergraduate Admissions
- Research Centres
- Research Projects
- Oxford-Princeton Partnership
- Outreach
- Alumni Events
- Alumni Profiles
- A Linked Open World: Alexander the Great, Transnational Heritage and the Semantic Web
- Women's Classical Committee AGM
- International Graduate Conference in Greek Comedy
- The Hidden Gospels of Abba Garima, Treasures of the Ethiopian Highlands
- Divine Narratives in Ancient Greece and the Near East Conference
- Classics Open Day
- Publications
- Latest Research & Outreach Activities
- Administrative Staff
- Professor Bill Allan
- Professor Gregory Hutchinson
- Love and the Soul: Apuleius’ tale of Cupid and Psyche in European Culture since 1600
- Anachronism and Antiquity
- Monumental Art of the Christian and Early Islamic East: Cultural Identities and Classical Heritage
- Empires of Faith
- Dr Anna Clark
- Mr Andrew Dixon
- Miss Erica Clarke
- Ms Zun Swe (Maternity Cover)
- Ms Emma Searle
- Seminars
- Courses
- Admissions criteria for Classics and Joint Schools
- Admissions criteria for Classical Archaeology & Ancient History
- How to apply
- Recreating the Music of an Ancient Greek Chorus: Euripides' "Orestes"
- I.Sicily
- Ashmolean tours for school children
- Gandhara Connections
- Classics in Communities
- Dr Rebecca Armstrong
- Professor Rhiannon Ash
- Dr Richard Ashdowne
- Professor Amin Benaissa
- Dr Marina Bazzani
- Dr Lisa Bendall
- Dr Edward Bispham
- Exhibition
- Films
- Professor Katherine Clarke
- Professor Roger Crisp
- Dr Charles Crowther
- Professor Bruno Currie
- Professor Wolfgang de Melo
- Dr Beate Dignas
- Fra' J. Eidinow
- Professor Jaś Elsner
- Dr Aneurin Ellis-Evans
- Dr Peta Fowler
- Professor Peter Frankopan
- Dr Almut Fries
- Dr Adrian Kelly
- Dr Peter Haarer
- Dr Charlotte Potts
- Dr Alison Rosenblitt
- Dr Gail Trimble
- Professor Peter Thonemann
- Professor Catherine Morgan
- Colleges offering Classics Courses
- Professor Richard Jenkyns
- Dr Angus Morton Bowie
- Professor Richard Rutherford
- Dr Christopher Metcalf
- Dr Scott Scullion
- Connections to Classics
- Connections to Classics
- The Invention of Faith: pistis and fides in early churches and the later Roman empire
- Vice-Chancellor’s Public Engagement with Research Award 2017
- FAQs
- Professor Armand D'Angour
- Dr Ine Jacobs
- Professor Nicholas Purcell
- Professor Tim Rood
- Professor Donna Kurtz
- Professor Bert Smith
- Professor Stephen Heyworth
- First Public Examination: Honour Moderations in Classics
- Final Examination: Honour School of Literae Humaniores ("Greats")
- Paper Descriptions
- Preliminary Examination: Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
- Final Examination: Honour School of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
- Preliminary Examination: Ancient and Modern History
- Final Examination: Honour School of Ancient and Modern History
- "Voices of Stone" bring ancient city to life
- Professor Jaś Elsner elected Fellow of the British Academy
- Preliminary Examination: Classics and English
- Final Examination: Honour School of Classics and English
- Preliminary Examination: Modern Languages
- Professor Andreas Willi
- Professor Andrew Wilson
- Professor Peter Stewart
- Professor Fiona Macintosh
- Classics Faculty celebrate excellent outcome from OxLAT Teaching Scheme
- Professor Jonathan Prag
- Professor Maria Stamatopoulou
- Dr Georgy Kantor
- Professor Andrew Meadows
- Dr Andrew James Sillett
- Professor Constanze Güthenke
- Final Examination: Honour School of Classics and Modern Languages
- Final Examination: Honour School of Classics and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Classics and Oriental Studies)
- Graduate FAQs
- How to Apply
- Fees & Funding
- Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD)
- Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents (CSAD)
- Classical Art Research Centre (CARC)
- Oxford Centre For Byzantine Research (OCBR)
- Conferencing
- IMAGINING THE DIVINE: Art and the Rise of World Religions
- The Fragility of Democracy: Lessons from the Classical Past
- Anachronism and Antiquity
- Michael Wood: Travelling and Filming in Gandhara
- Byron the Latinist: A one day conference
- Completed Projects
- Publications 2016
- Publications 2017
- Dr Luke Pitcher
- Mr Stephen Anderson
- Professor Susan Treggiari
- Dr Milena Melfi
- Late Antique Egypt and the Holy Land: Archaeology, History and Religious Change
- Food for the Gods: Perceptions of a Greek Cultural Paradox
- Khirbet et-Tannur Nabataean Temple Project, Jordan
- Last Statues of Antiquity
- Lefkandi
- Manar al-Athar Photo Archive
- Lexicon of Greek Personal Names
- Oxford-Paris Alexander Project (OPAL)
- Oxford Roman Economy Project
- Roman Provincial Coinage Online
- Collective Rituals and the Construction of Social Identity in Early Iron Age and Archaic Greece
- Graduate Profiles
- Ssuuna Golooba-Mutebi
- Undergraduate Profiles
- e-Science and Ancient Documents (eSAD)
- Writing & Statues. Palaeographic Analysis and Historical Perspectives on Greek and Latin Honorary Inscriptions from Ancient Sicily (I BC - VII AD)
- Roman Inscriptions of Britain
- Dr Lisa Kallet
- Ms Juliane Kerkhecker
- Dr Christina Kuhn
- Professor Matthew Leigh
- Professor Irene Lemos
- Professor Jane L. Lightfoot
- Dr Thomas Mannack
- Professor Llewelyn Morgan
- Professor Philomen Probert
- Dr Barnaby Taylor
- Professor Rosalind Thomas
- Dr Ida Toth
- Dr Claudia Wagner
- Professor Christopher Collard
- The Sphakia Survey
- Dr Chloe Colchester
- The Pathology of Love in Greek and Roman Art and Literature
- The Sybille Haynes Lecture
- The Don Fowler Memorial Lecture
- The Gaisford Lecture Trinity Term Week4
- The David Lewis Lecture
- Professor Tobias Reinhardt
- Monumenta Asiae Minoris XI
- Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources
- Professor Dame Averil Cameron
- Dr Volker Heuchert
- Professor Christopher Pelling
- Dr Tristan Franklinos
- Professor Nigel Wilson
- Indo-Iranian Philology Day
- Revd. Professor Martin Henig
- Miss Erica Clarke
- Dr Alison Rosenblitt receives a prestigious CAMWS 2018 award
- The Ancient Graffiti Project 15-29 July 2018
- Academic Visitors
- Classics (Literae Humaniores)
- Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
- Ancient and Modern History
- Classics and English
- Classics and Modern Languages
- Classics and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Classics and Oriental Studies)
- Professor Hindy Najman
- Professor Alex Mullen
- Professor Elizabeth Jeffreys
- Professor Robert Parker
- Dr Nicholas Richardson
- Newsletters
- Newsletter 2018
- Professor Nino Luraghi appointed to the Wykeham Professorship of Ancient History
- Professor Mary Beard receives honorary degree
- Newsletter 2017
- Newsletter 2016
- Newsletter 2015
- Newsletter 2014
- Dr Claire Kenward
- Alumni Podcasts
- Alumni Podcasts 2014
- MSt and MPhil in Greek and/or Roman History
- MSt and MPhil in Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature
- DPhil in Ancient History
- DPhil in Classical Languages and Literature
- Academic Enquiries
- Oxyrhynchus Papyri
- Professor Stephen Harrison
- The Politics of Greece's Theatrical Revolution, ca. 500 - ca. 300 BCE, Professor Peter Wilson
- From Cult to Classic: Reimagining Medea before and after Euripides, Dr Ben Morgan
- Reading Greek Drama in Tel Aviv, Professor Nurit Yaari
- Constructing Authors and Readers in the Appendices Vergiliana, Tibulliana & Ovidiana
- Performing Epic
- Translating Ancient Drama
- Professor Oliver Taplin
- Aphrodisias Excavations
- Introducing Manuscripts from Ethiopia and Eritrea
- Professor Michael Winterbottom
- Bloomsbury wins 11-way auction for Josephine Quinn's How the World Made the West
- Exegesis, Interpretation, Dialogue: Reading the Iliad Scholia
- Dr Matthew Robinson
- Ancient Architecture Discussion Group Trinity Term Week4
- Comparative Philology Graduate Seminar Trinity Term Week4
- Comparative Philology Graduate Seminar Trinity Term Week5
- Comparative Philology Graduate Seminar Trinity Term Week6
- Comparative Philology Graduate Seminar Trinity Term Week7
- Greek Archaeology Group - PEGGS Trinity Term Week4
- Greek Archaeology Group - PEGGS Trinity Term Week5
- After Rome Seminar Trinity Term Week4
- After Rome Seminar Trinity Term Week5
- After Rome Seminar Trinity Term Week6
- After Rome Seminar Trinity Term Week7
- After Rome Seminar Trinity Term Week8
- Ancient History Sub-Faculty Seminar Trinity Term Week4
- Ancient History Sub-Faculty Seminar Trinity Term Week5
- Ancient History Sub-Faculty Seminar Trinity Term Week6
- Ancient History Sub-Faculty Seminar Trinity Term Week7
- Ancient History Sub-Faculty Seminar Trinity Term Week8
- Epigraphy Workshop Trinity Term Week4
- Languages & Literature Sub-Faculty Seminar Trinity Term Week4
- Epigraphy Workshop Trinity Term Week5
- Epigraphy Workshop Trinity Term Week6
- Epigraphy Workshop Trinity Term Week8
- Late Antique and Byzantine Studies Seminar Trinity Term Week4
- Late Antique and Byzantine Studies Seminar Trinity Term Week5
- Late Antique and Byzantine Studies Seminar Trinity Term Week6
- Late Antique and Byzantine Studies Seminar Trinity Term Week7
- Late Antique and Byzantine Studies Seminar Trinity Term Week8
- Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology and Art Seminar Trinity Term Week4
- Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology and Art Seminar Trinity Term Week5
- Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology and Art Seminar Trinity Term Week6
- Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology and Art Seminar Trinity Term Week7
- Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology and Art Seminar Trinity Term Week8
- Oxford Philological Society Trinity Term Week4
- Oxford Philological Society Trinity Term Week6
- Seminar on Jewish History and Literature in the Graeco-Roman Period Trinity Term Week4
- Seminar on Jewish History and Literature in the Graeco-Roman Period Trinity Term Week5
- Seminar on Jewish History and Literature in the Graeco-Roman Period Trinity Term Week6
- Seminar on Jewish History and Literature in the Graeco-Roman Period Trinity Term Week7
- Seminar on Jewish History and Literature in the Graeco-Roman Period Trinity Term Week8
- Dr Anja Ulbrich
- The Graduate Workshop in Ancient Greek and Roman Music
- Oxford University Press reissues the Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources
- Winners of Oxford University Student-Led Teaching Awards announced
- American Poet A.E. Stallings Launches New Translation of Hesiod
- Lead pollution in Greenland ice shows rise and fall of ancient European civilizations
- Portrait of Professor Donald Russell unveiled
- University Open Days 2018
- University Open Days 2018
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships
- The 18th annual joint APGRD and University of London postgraduate symposium
- The Labourers of Herakles: a performance of the play by Tony Harrison
- Anna Jackson: I, Clodia and Other Portraits
- International Summer School in Greek Palaeography: Nigel Wilson, The Rewards of Palaeography
- International Summer School in Greek Palaeography: Georgi Parpulov, A Private Collection of Byzantine Miniatures
- International Summer School in Greek Palaeography: Michael Jeffreys, From Thucydides to Procopius to Popular Byzantine Literature and Beyond: The Progressive Irrelevance of Traditional Editorial Methods
- International Summer School in Greek Palaeography: Michael Zellmann-Rohrer, Byzantine and Later Greek Manuscripts for the Occult Sciences: an Introduction
- Ethiopian and Eritrean Ge’ez Manuscripts Discovery Day
- Ashmolean Classics A-Level Study Day
- Summer Essay Competition
- Dr Nino Luraghi
- Quotes from Graduates
- Classics in Communities Project Update
- Oxford-Africa Classics Research Collaboration
- Professor Jane Lightfoot elected Fellow of the British Academy
- Performing Plato: A public lecture by Sara Monsoon (Northwestern)
- Gestures and Postures: The construction of the tragic in Jean-Georges Noverre's dance-drama Agamemnon Vengé
- 25 Years of The Actors of Dionysus
- University Open Day
- The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium: Continuities and Transformations
- Aristotelian Biology and Christian Theology in the Early Empire
- Ms Jo Armitage
- Mara Gold
- Greeks and Romans in the Rehearsal Room- Blanche McIntyre
- Dr Guy Westwood
- Translating Greek Tragedy in Sixteenth-Century Europe
- Oxford and Cambridge Classics Open Day
- Outreach
- Dr Amin Benaissa awarded Philip Leverhulme Prize
- Professor Lucia Prauscello
- Martin West Memorial Lecture
- Ancient artefacts returned to Jordan with help of Oxford expert
- Sybille Haynes Lecture
- Fowler Lecture
- Gaisford Lecture
- Vernant Day
- CSAD launches new website
- David Lewis Lecture
- Dr Anna Blomley
- Publications 2018
- New Voices from Roman Britain
- Professor Andreas Willi awarded the Humboldt-Forschungs prize by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- Myres Lecture 2019
- Babel: Adventures in Translation (Bodleian Library 2019)
- Roman Receptions of Sappho (OUP 2019)
- Ovid Fasti Book III (CUP 2019)
- Rome after Sulla (Bloomsbury 2019)
- Xenophon Anabasis Book III (CUP 2019)
- Socrates in Love The Making of a Philosopher (Bloomsbury 2019)
- The Kingdom of Priam (OUP 2019)
- Servilia and her Family (OUP 2019)
- Asia Minor in the Long Sixth Century (Oxbow Books 2019)
- Polis Histories, Collective Memories and the Greek World (CUP 2019)
- Recent Books
- It is with regret that the Faculty of Classics announces the passing of Dr Judith McKenzie
- New College Greek Play - Aeschylus' Agamemnon
- University Open Days | July 2019
- Ancient Worlds Programme - Applications Now Open
- Exhibition: Languages of God: Sacred Scripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea
- Professor Sir Fergus Millar, 1935-2019. An obituary by Professor Alan Bowman
- Newsletter 2019
- The Classics Faculty Newsletter 2019 has been published
- Professor Peter Parsons FBA awarded prestigious British Academy medal
- The Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek (CUP 2019)
- Greek Elegy and Iambus: A Selection (CUP 2019)
- Historical Consciousness and the Uses of the Past in the Ancient World (Equinox 2019)
- Language and Nature in the Classical Roman World (CUP 2019)
- Vergil's Green Thoughts: Plants, Humans and the Divine (OUP 2019)
- For Students
- Course Handbooks
- Lectures
- General Student Handbook
- Professor Tuna Şare Ağtürk
- Congratulations to Professor Jo Quinn for winning the Goodwin Award of Merit for her book ‘In Search of the Phoenicians’
- Dr Emma Greensmith
- Latin Grammarians on the Latin Accent (OUP 2019)
- Sumerian Literary Texts in the Schøyen Collection (Eisenbrauns 2019)
- Formes et Fonctions des Langues Littéraires en Grèce Ancienne (Fondation Hardt 2019)
- Treasures of Ethiopia and Eritrea in the Bodleian Library (Manar Al-Athar, University of Oxford 2019)
- Making and Rethinking the Renaissance: Between Greek and Latin in 15th-16th Century Europe (de Gruyter 2019)
- Seamus Heaney and the Classics (OUP 2019)
- La Ceramicá Ática y su Historiografía (UC 2019)
- Rediscovering E.R. Dodds (OUP 2019)
- Herodotus and the Question Why (University of Texas 2019)
- Josephus's The Jewish War (PUP 2019)
- Congratulations to Constanze Güthenke, Jo Quinn, and Peter Thonemann on their Professorships
- Classics DPhil student Thea Sommerschield and DeepMind AI assist historians in restoring damaged ancient Greek inscriptions
- Inaugural Lecture - Professor Nino Luraghi - 31st October
- Professor Nino Luraghi's Inaugural Lecture
- Graduate Open Day 2019
- Changing Names (OUP 2019)
- The Oxyrhynchus Papyri vol. LXXXIV (London 2019)
- Publications 2019
- The Guardian has published an obituary of Professor Jasper Griffin
- Dr Alexandre Johnston
- Martin West Memorial Lecture 2020
- Ellie Galloway
- Anachronism and Antiquity (Bloomsbury 2020)
- The Faculty is very sad to announce the death of Professor Donald Russell, FBA
- A Landscape of Conflict: Battlefield Archaeology in the Territory of Ancient Fregellae / Modern Ceprano (FR, Lazio, Italy)
- Dr Janet DeLaine
- CANCELLED Oxbridge Open Day
- Cyprus in the Long Late Antiquity
- Congratulations to Professor Andrew Meadows on the award of an ERC Consolidator Grant
- Congratulations to Professor Jonathan Prag on the award of a European Research Council Advanced Grant
- We are delighted to announce the publication of Fiona Macintosh and Justine McConnell's new book
- Motion in Classical Literature (OUP 2020)
- Batrachomyomachia (Battle of the Frogs and Mice) (OUP 2019)
- Performing Epic or Telling Tales (OUP 2020)
- We are delighted to announce the publication of Gregory Hutchinson's new book.
- Feeling and Classical Philology (CUP 2020)
- The Rhetoric of the Past in Demosthenes and Aeschines (OUP 2020)
- Daniel Etches Jones
- Dr Bernardo Ballesteros Petrella
- Statement on Racism
- Lucretius and the Language of Nature (OUP 2020)
- We are delighted to announce the publication of Barnaby Taylor's New Book.
- Beyond the Polis. Rituals, Rites and Cults in Early and Archaic Greece (12th – 6th centuries BC)
- A Companion to The Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean (Wiley Blackwell)
- Agamemnon, a Performance History (Apple Books)
- APGRD Researchers Launch Second Multimedia Ebook
- We are delighted to announce the publication of Beyond the Polis, edited by Irene Lemos
- We are delighted to announce the publication of A Companion to The Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean, edited by Irene Lemos
- Revisiting the Codex Buranus (Boydell Press)
- We are delighted to announce the publication of Revisiting the Codex Buranus, edited by Tristan E. Franklinos
- Virtual Open Day
- Virtual Open Day
- Virtual Open Day
- Homer: Iliad Book III (CUP 2019)
- Classics in Communities wins Vice Chancellor's Award
- First Online Open Day
- The Colour of White - When did Greek Statues become White?
- UNIQ - Classical Archaeology
- UNIQ - Classics: Rome
- UNIQ - Classics: Ancient Greece
- UNIQ: Classical Archaeology
- UNIQ - Classics: Rome
- Congratulations to Ursula Coope, Rosalind Thomas, and Andreas Willi to their election to the fellowship of the British Academy.
- UNIQ - Classics: Ancient Greece
- Pandemic insights from fifth century B.C. Athens
- Congratulations to Professor Jonathan Prag who is the Winner of the Building Capacity category in the Vice-Chancellor Innovation Awards
- OxLat Update
- The Beauty of Living: E.E Cummings in the Great War (W.W. Norton)
- Metalepsis: Ancient Texts, New Perspectives (OUP)
- Constructing Authors and Readers in the Appendices Vergiliana, Tibulliana, and Ouidiana (OUP)
- The Global Connections of Gandhāran Art
- Bridging Course / Opportunity Oxford
- Bridging Course: We are delighted to welcome 19 new undergraduates.
- Virtual Open Day welcomes applicants from across the world
- Pots! Pots! Pots! Beazley Archive Pottery Database (BAPD) reaches 120,000 records.
- Eleonora Colli
- UCAS deadline for undergraduate applications
- Dr Neil McLynn
- Research and Public Policy Partnership
- Empires of Faith in Late Antiquity: Histories of Art and Religion from India to Ireland (CUP)
- A Catalogue of the Sculpture Collection at Wilton House (Archeopress)
- Oxford’s first woman don, classicist Annie Rogers, has been commemorated for her work as a ceaseless campaigner for women’s full membership of Oxford University.
- The Resurrection of Homer in Imperial Greek Epic (CUP)
- The Epigraphy of Ptolemaic Egypt (OUP)
- We are delighted to announce the publication of The Epigraphy of Ptolemaic Egypt edited by Alan Bowman and Charles Crowther
- We are delighted to announce the recent publication of Dr Emma Greensmith's new book
- Dr Kathryn Stevens
- Dr Roel Konijnendijk
- Dr Olivia Elder
- Dr Simona Stoyanova
- Dr Sofia Kravaritou
- Professor Sir Fergus Millar (1935-2019): A collection of tributes
- Ten Top Tips for Classics Admissions Tests
- Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships 2021
- Congratulations to Bill Allan, Armand D'Angour and Peter Stewart on their Professorships
- Newsletter 2020
- Graduate Virtual Open Day 2020
- A People's History of Classics: Class and Greco-Roman Antiquity in Britain and Ireland 1689 to 1939 (Routledge, 2020)
- The Classics Faculty Newsletter 2020 has been published
- The Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents has just published Newletter 25.
- The Athenian Empire. Using Coins as Sources.
- *Update March 2021* Classical Conversations
- Conference: Apocalyptic Thinking
- Dr Valentina Mignosa
- Being 'in-Christ' in the Letters of Paul
- Eleanor Newman
- Miranda Gronow
- James Hua
- Ollie Croker
- Congratulations to Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson on becoming a Knowledge Exchange Fellow
- Giorgia Capra
- David Kaufman
- Stephan Nitu
- Matthew Ball
- Abigail Allan
- Raymond Ngoh
- Congratulations to Prof. Andrew Meadows. Announced today, AHRC funds international OXUS-INDUS Project.
- Conference: The Fascist Archive in Performance: Classical Reception in Film and Live Events under Mussolini
- Lecture: 'The Greek Trilogy of Luis Alfaro: New Visions of Tragedy in 21st-Century America'
- Lecture: 'Tragic Form in Kamila Shamsie's Home Fire'
- Conference: Poetics, Politics and the Ruin in Cinema and Theatre since 1945
- Angela Falezza
- Serra Somersan
- Speak for change: Enriching the Oracy All-Party Parliamentary Group inquiry and report
- Buddhist Artistic Expressions of Enlightenment
- The Rediscovery and Reception of Gandharan Art
- Dr Alfonso Moreno
- Digital Resources
- The Cambridge Companion to Sappho (CUP)
- Gods and Mortals in Early Greek and Near Eastern Mythology (CUP)
- Congratulations to Irene Lemos on 2020 Choice Outstanding Academic
- Deputy Head of Administration and Finance
- Mr Paul Tappin
- Overview
- Creative Writing Competition 2021
- Marina Carr and Patrick O'Kane in conversation about Girl On An Altar
- New lines: contemporary poets and the classics
- Oxford and Cambridge Classics Virtual Open Day
- Professor Jacob L. Dahl
- Corpus of Ptolemaic Inscriptions
- OXUS - INDUS project: a new typology of Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek coinage
- CHANGE: the development of the monetary economy of ancient Anatolia circa 630 - 30 BC
- Crossreads: Text, materiality and multiculturalism at the crossroads of the ancient Mediterranean
- The ARCH project
- Call for Papers: The Senses, Pleasure and Self-Discipline in Antiquity and Late Antiquity
- Faculty of Oriental Studies Projects and Online Resources
- Dr Lewis Webb
- Peter Olive
- Professor Mark Edwards
- Dr Richard Finn
- Dr Phil Booth
- Professor Bryan Ward-Perkins
- Dr Roger Tomlin
- Dr Conrad Leyser
- Dr James Howard-Johnston
- Professor Martin Goodman
- Professor Alison G Salvesen
- Dr David G.K Taylor
- Dr Maren Schentuleit
- Dr Elizabeth Frood
- Professor Richard Bruce Parkinson
- Dr Frances Reynolds
- Professor Ursula Coope
- Professor Anna Marmodoro
- EAMENA: Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa
- Publications 2020
- OPEN Leaders 2021
- Oxford Classics professors go online for schools in lockdown
- The Ancient Drama Prize – calling all budding performers and lovers of ancient drama!
- Virtual Classics Open Day
- Dimitris Karampas
- The 2020-2021 Gandhara Connections Lecture: Rory Stewart - 'Walking in Afghanistan'
- Professor Carol Harrison
- Professor Marc Lauxtermann
- The Classics and English Annual Lecture by Jenny Wallace, 'Tragedy after 9/11'
- The Oxford Greek Play, Orestes
- Congratulations to Professor Teresa Morgan
- Congratulations to Robin Lane Fox
- Classics Admissions Test
- UCAS Application
- Interview and Offers
- Written Work
- Kevin Willmott in conversation with Edith Hall
- Yaël Farber in conversation with Helen Eastman
- Inua Ellams in conversation with Helen Eastman
- Book Launch: Kathryn Bosher’s Greek Theatre in Ancient Sicily
- Greek Tragedy Masterclass on Film: Antigone
- Corpus of Ptolemaic Inscriptions (OUP)
- Fiona Phillips
- Offer Holder Day 2021
- Dr Justine Potts
- New discoveries of Gandharan Buddhist archaeology at Gunyar - Fozia Naz online seminar
- New Lines: Poetry Reading with Live Canon
- Classical Conversations with Year 12s in Liverpool
- 21st Annual Joint Postgraduate Symposium on Ancient Drama
- Ghosts: From Aeschylus’s The Persians to Wajdi Mouawad’s The Blood of Promises. A public lecture by Professor Clare Finburgh-Delijani (Goldsmiths)
- Collective Trauma and Contemporary Crises in Performances of Ancient Tragedies
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships
- University Open Day 2021
- University Open Day 2021
- New project aims to show prospective students that Classics is for everyone
- Virtual Open Day 2021
- Winners Announced: Creative Writing Competition
- UNIQ 2021
- Bridging Course 2021
- September Open Day
- Classics in Communities at Teaching and Learning Showcase
- Council Members elected for Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
- Lockdown Latin Club
- UNIQ 2021
- Professor Gregory Hutchinson elected Fellow of the British Academy
- Clare Gardom
- Jermyn Street Theatre's Tom Littler and Indra Ové in conversation about 15 Heroines
- A.E. Stallings: talk and performance
- Disciplinarity (Receptions and Comparatisms Seminar, online)
- Temporalities (Receptions and Comparatisms Seminar, online)
- What is a language? (Receptions and Comparatisms Seminar, online)
- Orality and script worlds (Receptions and Comparatisms Seminar, online)
- Decolonisation (Receptions and Comparatisms Seminar, online)
- Decoloniality (Receptions and Comparatisms Seminar, online)
- Posthumanism (Receptions and Comparatisms Seminar, online)
- Anthropocene (Receptions and Comparatisms Seminar, online)
- Regional Classics Podcast - Northern Ireland
- The Glory and the Grandeur: John Clarke Stobart and the Defence of High Culture in a Democratic Age
- Créer le choeur tragique
- Herculaneum Society Talks
- In partnership with the University of Ibadan and University of Reading: Femi Osofisan (playwright and poet) in conversation
- Professor Andreas Willi (Diebold Professor of Comparative Philology) is one of the winners of the 2021 Goodwin Award of Merit
- Winners of Philip Leverhulme Prize
- Premio Mantua of the Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana di Mantova
- £1.34m gift to Classics for graduate students and outreach activities
- Book launch: Créer le Chœur Tragique by Estelle Baudou
- Dr Thomas Nelson
- Thomas Gavin
- Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships 2022
- Gandhara Connections 2022 online workshop: Gandharan Art in its Buddhist Context
- Vidya Dehejia - ARTIST, SCRIBE, MONK/NUN, VIEWER: Visual Narratives at Early Buddhist Sites'
- Newsletter 2021
- The Classics Faculty Newsletter 2021 has been published
- Dr Alex Bown
- Dr Thea Sommerschield has won the 2020 Giuseppe Nenci award for her outstanding DPhil dissertation!
- Classicists inspire in Liverpool
- Lorne Thyssen Graduate Scholarship in Classics
- Oxford Academics at Virtual Classics Conference
- Congratulations to Jonathan Prag for winning funding in the latest round of the German-UK funding initiative for the humanities.
- CSAD Newsletter/26 now available here
- David Raeburn Prize Deadline
- Oxford and Cambridge Classics Open Day 2022
- Being Human 2022
- Brecht and Tragedy by Martin Revermann: online book launch
- The Early Greek Alphabets: Origin, Diffusion,Uses (OUP)
- A new ebook, The Manual of Roman Everyday Writing by Dr Alex Mullen and Prof. Alan Bowman is published today
- Manual of Roman Everyday Writing, Volume I : Scripts and Texts
- Congratulations to Tristan Franklinos, Milena Melfi and Michele Bianconi on being awarded Fellowships
- Congratulations to Katherine Clarke, Bruno Currie and Maria Stamatopoulou on their Professorships
- Dr Alison John
- Phoenician language course, March 14-19, 2022.
- APGRD, Oxford/ Institut für Theaterwissenschaft FU Berlin Partnership
- New Lines: Poetry Reading with Live Canon
- Book launch: Tony Harrison and the Classics
- Josephine Balmer and Lesley Saunders: Poetry Reading
- Crossreads, I.Sicily and the Regione Siciliana
- DIGITAL GANDHARAN TEXTS: A special seminar by Mark Allon and Ian McCrabb
- A Companion to the Political Culture of the Roman Republic
- Eugenia Vitello
- Joe Barber
- Huiling Zhang
- Alexander Moore
- Crete and Euboea in an interconnecting world (12th - 6th c. BC). The role of coastal settlements in short and long-distance networks of exchange.
- Hayley Merchant
- Greek and Beyond: Colloquium in honour of M.S. Silk
- Vanda Strachan
- Winners Announced - Ancient Drama Prize
- Book Giveaway
- Nikki Vellidis
- T O Moller
- Cristina Laurenti
- Isabella Jäger
- Connor Beattie
- Joshua Werrett
- Maxwell Hardy
- Allia Benner
- Marianna Leszczyk
- Victoria Lansing
- FAIR Epigraphy AHRC-DFG
- The Oxyrhynchus Papyri vol. LXXXVI
- Lucian: Alexander Or The False Prophet
- Book Giveaway Winners
- Dr Leah Lazar
- Book launch: The Painted Reliefs of Tetrarchic Nicomedia by Tune Şare Ağtürk 7 March, 18.30pm, Ioannou Centre, 66 St Giles, Oxford
- The Painted Tetrarchic Reliefs of Nicomedia
- The ARCH Project Conference: Crossing the Mountains
- Historians apply state-of-the-art AI to transform the study of ancient texts
- Teos and Abdera: Two Cities in Peace and War (OUP)
- The David Lewis Lecture no. 24, 'Beyond Datis: More Persians in Greek and Elamite'.
- The British Epigraphy Society Spring Meeting 2022
- Classics and English Annual Lecture: Actors and the remains of the dead (online)
- Kathleen Riley: Imagining Ithaca
- Dido's Ghost: Errollyn Wallen, Wesley Stace, and Tom Sapsford in conversation (online)
- Hexameters beyond the canon: new poetry on papyri from Roman and Byzantine Egypt
- The Gaisford Lecture
- We are pleased to announce the launch of a new AHRC-funded project, Hexameters beyond the canon: new poetry on papyri from Roman and Byzantine Egypt.
- Black Classicists Exhibition
- Dr Alessia Coccato
- Exploring Classics
- Professor Giuseppe Pezzini
- Tiancheng Wang
- Matthew Bowerman
- Oxford & Cambridge Classics Open Day 2023
- University Open Day
- University Open Day
- University Open Day
- Coin Hoards and Hoarding in the Roman World (Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy)
- Antigone in Palermo: Survival and Disobedience in Ubah Cristina Ali Farah’s and Sutta Scupa's Antigone Power
- Survival and Disobedience in the Theory and Practice of Greek and Roman Drama The 22 annual joint APGRD / University of London postgraduate symposium
- The Semantics of Word Division in Northwest Semitic Writing Systems
- Song and Poetry in Greece and the Near East: Re-framing Orality
- Call for Papers: Dialectology Oxford 2023
- Professor Christopher Howgego
- How can Humanities researchers engage with Parliament?
- Creative Writing Winners 2022
- Open Days 2022
- Congratulations to Fiona Macintosh on award of Honorary Doctorate
- Drama Prize Podcast
- UNIQ 2022
- CARC Workshop – Beazley for the 21st Century
- Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson’s policy engagement featured in University film
- EDI Resources
- Oxford’s Antiquity: a Critical Reappraisal of the Study of Classics in Oxford
- Open Day - September 2022
- The Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Ashmolean Museum, and American Numismatic Society launch Coins of the Bactrian and Indo-Greek Rulers (BIGR)
- Claire Barnes
- Nikki Carter
- Ludovico Oddi
- Lara Berry
- Marcella Giobbe
- Xenofon Kalogeropoulos
- Marie Theres Wittmann
- Professor Laura Swift
- Christina Monroe
- Calypso Herrick-Doyle
- Filippos Roussos
- Dr Joshua Thomas
- Demetrias in Thessaly: The archaeology of a multi-ethnic port royal port city in the Hellenistic Aegean
- ‘Warriors Stele’ (Volos Λ235)
- Tombstone of Aristokydes son of Xenokles, from Keos (Volos Λ230)
- Tombstone of Taroulas and his brothers, from Thrace (Volos Λ247)
- Tombstone of Sosibios, the hero (Volos Λ237)
- Tombstone of Demetrios, son of Olynpos (Volos Λ351)
- Tombstone of Theudoros, son of Arisstokles (Volos Λ126)
- Tombstone of Ouaphres, son of Horus, a priest of Isis from Bousiris in Egypt (Volos Λ52)
- Tombstone of Menelaos, son of Hegesidemos, from Amphipolis (Volos Λ356)
- Tombstone of Metrophanes, son of Protos (Volos Λ298)
- Tombstone of ‘Choirile’ (Volos Λ55)
- The figured scene of the tombstone of Bio, daughter of Zenon (Volos Λ22)
- Tombstone of Aphrodeisia, daughter of Theudoros, from Epirus (Volos Λ28)
- Tombstone of Archidike, daughter of Aristomachos, from Tylissos on Crete (Volos Λ20)
- Tombstone of Hediste (Volos Λ1)
- Charlotte Susser
- Inua Ellams in conversation
- Tragic Mothers - workshop 1/2
- Tragic Mothers - workshop 2/2
- Clare Pollard in conversation
- New Lines: Poetry Reading with Live Canon
- Dr Imran Asif
- Kelly McClinton
- Karl Berg
- Daniel Whittle
- Demetrias: the archaeology of a multi-ethnic royal port city in the Hellenistic Aegean
- Elena Limongelli
- Tombstones from Demetrias
- Technical Imaging
- The painted tombstones of Demetrias
- Demetrias
- Tragic Mothers: An APGRD public lecture with Olga Taxidou (Edinburgh/NYU)
- Joel Pollatschek
- Dr Michele Bianconi
- The Lives of Ancient Villages: Rural Society in Roman Anatolia
- Simulating Roman Economies: Theories, Methods, and Computational Models (Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy).
- Presbeus: Studies in Ancient Coinage Presented to Richard Ashton
- Xenophon’s “Anabasis” and its Reception
- Cyprus in the Long Late Antiquity. History and Archaeology Between the Sixth and Eighth Centuries
- Constance Everett-Pite
- Cicero's Academici Libri and Lucullus
- Cicero: Academica (Academicus Primus, Fragmenta et Testimonia Academicorum Librorum, Lucullus)
- Congratulations to Wolfgang de Melo on Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship
- New Department for Education report on Ancient Languages in Primary Schools
- The Latin Works of Piccolomini (PP Pius II): A Colloquium
- Human-Animal Relations in Bronze Age Crete
- Roman Provincial Coinage VII.2. From Gordian I to Gordian III (AD 238–244): all provinces except Asia (London – Paris, 2022)
- Conington Prize 2023
- Ariadne Pagoni
- Finn Conway
- Oxford Ancient History Faculty Seminar Hilary Term 2023
- The Neighbourhoods of Roman North Africa
- The Production of Memory Lane in North Africa
- Reconquering Africa: Roman imperialism and the City in the Age of Justinian
- The Story of Cyrenaican Horses in the Greek and Roman Periods and its Reality
- Landscapes of Enmity: Rome, Africa, and the Places in Between
- Stelae and the Semiotics of Sacrifice: Worship Traditions in Roman Africa
- Numidia between Micro-regionalism and Global Trends. A New Archaeological approach to North African Urbanism and Settlement Hierarchy
- The Business of Being Roman: Power, Citizenship, and Provincial Administration in North Africa
- Council of University Classical Departments (CUCD) call for Microgrants to support EDI initiatives
- The Classics Faculty Newsletter 2022 has been published
- Newsletter 2022
- 'Classical Art and Ancient India'
- Teacher Day 2023
- Teachers' Day 2023
- Studies in Byzantine Epigraphy 1
- The Authoritative Historian: Tradition and Innovation in Ancient Historiography
- Recordings from Oxford’s Antiquity: A Critical Reappraisal of the Study of Classics in Oxford
- Luka Milkovic
- Greg Waiting
- Rosie Saracino
- Richard Carpenter
- The call for applications for the Practical Epigraphy Workshop 2023 will close on Friday 27th January at noon!
- Dr Andrew Shapland
- Publications 2021-2022
- UNIQ Research Internship Programme 2023
- Precarity, Vulnerability, and Power in the Theory and Practice of Greek and Roman Drama: the 23rd annual Postgraduate Symposium on Ancient Drama, June 2023
- What makes a 'Classic'? Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Workshop
- Rita Dove in conversation with Helene Foley
- Classics and English Annual Lecture: Anne Carson’s Euripides & the Combustion of Thought
- The 54th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies Material Religion in Byzantium and Beyond
- The 54th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies Material Religion in Byzantium and Beyond
- Sicco Polenton and his Scriptores illustres
- Faculty of Classics Alumni Day
- Classics Alumni Day
- Creative Writing Competition 2023
- Dr Krishnan Ram-Prasad
- Current Research at Knossos
- Recognised Students
- Performance in Antiquity
- Finding the Snake goddess: new poems by Ruth Padel
- Creative Precarities: Performing Ruins in the 21st century
- All-Night Epic
- Greek Dialectology conference
- The Annual David Lewis Lecture no. 25, Anna Magnetto, 'Cyme in Aeolis. Preliminary remarks on a new inscription.'
- Shadows and songs: the fragment as creative impulse
- The Gods in Literature: Myth, Theology, and Belief in Ancient Near Eastern and Greek Poetry
- The New Athenian Empire
- The (in)congruence of theory and practice in Greek oratory
- Dr Timothy Smith
- Markers of Allusion in Archaic Greek Poetry
- Queer desire from Sappho to Serapiakos
- The Gaisford Lecture 2023, A. Purves, ‘In the Depths: Homer and the Underwater Imaginary’
- Adam Burge
- A Landscape of Conflict? Rural Fortifications in the Argolid, (400-146 BC)
- Greek Inscriptions on the East Bank
- “Recent Discoveries, New Thinking: Deliberations in Honour of Bert Smith”
- Congratulations to Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson MBE
- Art under the Seleukid Empire: New Perspectives
- Sunny Pydugadu
- Re-Imagining Tragedy Across Africa and the Global South
- Professor Katherine Clarke elected Fellow of the British Academy
- More Classical Constructions – A conference to celebrate Peta Fowler
- Farishta Mirbacha Naderi
- Ancient and Medieval Thought on Greek Enclitics
- Dr Martina Astrid Rodda
- Dr Marion Durand
- Ancient Rome, The Definitive Visual History
- Paterson Joseph in conversation
- Dr Cynthia Liu
- New Voices on Anatolia conference
- Congratulations to Amin Benaissa on his Professorship
- Dr Daniel Jolowicz
- Dr Marcus Chin
- The Making of Books: A Colloquium in honour of Gregory Hutchinson
- Dr Alison Pollard
- Valentina Brizio Falletti Di Castellazzo
- Elizabeth Weinberg
- Thomas Lister
- Charles Baker
- Katherine Halcrow
- Mads Sondre Stryger Prøitz
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Sarah LaPorte
- Benjamin Willstead
- Daria Kwiatkowski
- Chloe Harper
- Megan Bowler
- The Ronald Syme Lecture 2023
- Greta Lunder
- Shu Susan Chai
- Leah Mitchell
- The National Theatre's Odyssey: Emily Lim in conversation with Lucy Jackson
- Dr Alexandra Hardwick
- Marina Paschalidou
- A New Translation of Euripides MEDEA The Oxford Greek Play 2023
- Magdalena Zira: Recovering Dido
- Meet our students!
- Leonie Defonteyne
- Eve Harrington
- Simona Thompson
- Dr J W Hanson
- Horace: A Very Short Introduction
- Pseudo-Manetho, Apotelesmatica Books, Four, One and Five
- Pseudo-Manetho, Apotelesmatica, Books Two, Three, and Six
- Architectures of the Roman World Models, Agency, Reception
- The Economy of Roman Religion
- Religion in Roman Phrygia from Polytheism to Christianity
- Gandharan Art and the Classical World A Short Introduction
- Foundation Year
- AVREVS. Le Pouvoir de l'or / The Power of Gold
- Pindar’s First Pythian Ode
- Max Buckby
- Newsletter 2023
- Faculty of Classics receives Athena Swan Bronze award for gender equality efforts
- Faculty of Classics Newsletter 2023
- Violence, Justice, and Law in Classical Antiquity: Collected Papers of Andrew Lintott
- Mapping Medea: Revolutions and Transfers 1750-1800
- Alexa Piqueux (Paris Nanterre): The Comic Body in Ancient Greek Theatre and Art
- AVREVS. Le Pouvoir de l'or / The Power of Gold
- Mapping Medea - online book launch
- Performances of Classical Antiquity under Fascism - publication launch
- Reworking Epic: Across Time, Media and Cultures
- Mr Test
- Professor Alan Bowman
- Christopher Colby
- Athenian Power in the Fifth Century BC
- Euripides’ Bacchae
- Essays on Propertian and Ovidian Elegy
- Dimitris Papaioannou in conversation
- A portrait of Alexander the Great in Fannius Sinistor's Villa at Boscoreale
- Classics Teachers’ Day 2024
- Homer Through Numbers
- Alexander the Great and the East. New insights and discoveries for an exhibition (Naples Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 2023).
- Visions of Utopia in Ancient Greece
- Plots and Painted Tyrants: Performing Hecuba in the sixteenth century Carla Suthren Classics and English Annual Lecture
- Dr Ugo Mondini
- Faculty of Classics: Use of cookies on this website
- Classics and Modern Languages Course Options
- Turning Epic and Epic Turns
- Bodies and Voices in the Theory and Practice of Greek and Roman Performance and its Reception
- The three changes of scene in extant Greek tragedy, with special attention to the suicide of Aias
- Book Launch: Democracy, Theatre
- Martin West Memorial Lecture 2024
- David Lewis Memorial Lecture no. 26 'Remembering a Roman Life'
- Book Launch: Facing Down the Furies
- Dr Sarah Cullinan Herring shortlisted for the Vice Chancellor’s EDI award
- Madelyn Mezzell
- Pierre-Louis Pestre
- The Medieval Poetry Reading Group Talks Trinity term
- Binding the World, Withholding Life: Poetry Books in the Medieval Mediterranean
- Virgilio De Sousa
- The 2024 Gaisford Lecture
- Antonie Brenne
- Ancient History and Classical Archaeology Admissions Test
- Parthian Art and The Graeco-Roman World
- Voicing Unacoustics in Sophocles’ Ichneutai
- Classics Fellowships Announcement
- Professor Philomen Probert elected Fellow of the British Academy
- Oxford launches essay prize for state school students passionate about history and Classics
- New papyrus of lost Greek plays
- Oxford Classics Faculty launch the Janus Project
- Didier Natalizi Baldi
- Inclusive Theatre, Community-Building, and Aristophanes: Giovanna Di Martino in Conversation with Dave Carey and Marco Martinelli
- Sanctuary Study Day
- Thomas Kelly
- Dr Charlotte Spence
- Dr Simon Shogry
- Dr Pantelis Michelakis
- Classics welcomes new Camden Professor
- Alexander Zeldin in conversation about The Other Place, a new version of Antigone
- Book launch: Imprints of Dance in Ancient Greece and Rome
- Conor Hanratty in conversation with Edith Hall
- Dr Timothy Gordon Barnes
- The Ronald Syme Lecture 2024
- Ruth Hailey
- Harrison Biddle
- Saffron Welch
- Alfred Deahl
- Amanda Porter
- Sarah Marshall
- José Miguel Gómez-Arbeláez
- Kai Chen
- Milly Cox
- Clare Yu-Ying Chang
- Samantha Moser
- Adam Rosengarten
- Blake Alexander Lopez
- Leonie Hoff
- Elena Giulia Vacca
- Maggie Tighe
- Annabel Rockett
- Cara Nicol
- Matthew Wainwright
- Tamara Di Marco
- Between uneducated and educated, or hot and cold, or bitter and sweet … there’s a middle point’: Varro and the Middle Accent
- Polytropos Ajax: Roots, Evolution, and Reception of a Multifaceted Hero
- An Anthology of Neo-Latin Poetry by Classical Scholars
- Style in Latin Poetry
- The Neo-Latin Verse of Urban VIII, Alexander VII and Leo XIII
- Apuleius in European Literature: Cupid and Psyche since 1650
- Greek and Roman Antiquity in First World War Poetry: Making Connections
- Dr Stuart Thomson
- Congratulations to Dr Cynthia Liu
- Divine Assemblies in Early Greek and Babylonian Epic
- Propertius' Cynthia. The Book as Beloved
- Dr Thomas McConnell
- Thomas Draghetti
- Dr Carolyn La Rocco
- Hanzi Zhang-Baduel
- Texts and Intertexts in Archaic and Classical Greece
- Martin Lopez Howe
- Kimberly Cavaleiro Hönig
- Mridula Gullapalli
- Research Funding Opportunities
- Mike Newell
- Labor Omnia Vincit: The Pleasures and Perplexities of Didactic Poetry
- The Art of Filmed Theatre: Greek Tragedy captured by the National Theatre
- Redefining Ancient Epirus
- Professor Valentina Arena
- Sam Woodward
- Orestes (2021) screening
- The Rescheduled Antigone / Die verschobene Antigone
- Fellini Satyricon (dir. Federico Fellini, Italy, 1969)
- George Cawkwell Memorial Lecture
- Dr Simon Fries
- Patrick Johnson
- Catullus: Poem 64
- How to Talk About Love
- Mr Peter A. Thompson
- Dr Leo Kershaw
- Newsletter 2024
- Faculty of Classics Newsletter 2024
- Faculty of Classics Alumni Day 2025
- Frédérique Duyrat
- Joel Bellviure
- Evangelos Skoupas