Job Opportunities
Lincoln Professor in Classical Art and Archaeology
The Faculty of Classics and Lincoln College intend to appoint to the Lincoln Professorship of Classical Archaeology and Art with effect from 1 October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The Lincoln Professorship is the most prominent professorship in the English-speaking world for research and teaching in the art and material culture of the ancient Greek and wider Eastern Mediterranean world. The Faculty welcomes applications from those with expertise in this broadly defined area.
You should have a high international research profile and broad interests and sympathies in order to be able to contribute to and promote this increasingly interdisciplinary research field in Oxford. You will be expected to exercise academic leadership through your own research and teaching, by seeking research grants, by promoting a culture of obtaining research funding amongst colleagues and graduate students, and by building relationships with potential donors to Oxford Classics. You will supervise and give lectures and seminars for graduate students, and lecture for undergraduate courses in Classical Archaeology and Art, across a wide range of subjects in the discipline. You will also be expected to take a leading role in the ongoing efforts to diversify the Classics Faculty and its curriculum.
This role is complementary to the Professorship of the Archaeology of the Roman Empire, which is concerned with the Roman world and with material culture, while the Lincoln Professorship is concerned with the Greek world, the eastern Mediterranean, and visual culture and representation. The Lincoln Professor also serves as the Curator of the collection of plaster casts of Greek and Roman statues and reliefs held by the Ashmolean Museum. The professor may put on exhibitions from time to time, and promotes and organises its use by the Classics Faculty and by others for instruction in classical art.
The closing date for applications is 12:00 noon UK time on Monday 13 January 2025. Interviews are expected to be held in late February or early March. Informal enquiries are welcome and may be made in strict confidence to Professor Llewelyn Morgan, Chair of the Classics Faculty Board (
Further particulars are available here
Associate Professorship (or Professorship) of Latin Language and Literature
The University is seeking to appoint a full-time Associate Professor in Latin Language and Literature to commence at the start of the academic year 2025/26; the post will be held in association with a Tutorial Fellowship at Wadham College (as the Bowra Fellow and Tutor in Classics) The person appointed will be expected to engage in advanced study or research in Latin Language and Literature, with a preference for scholars working on Latin prose texts and/or textual criticism and the study of manuscripts. They will also be required to give high-quality tutorials, classes, supervision and lectures at both undergraduate and graduate level, as well as undertaking administrative and pastoral duties, and fulfilling trustee duties as a member of the College’s Governing Body.
The Classics Faculty and College offer an exciting research and teaching environment, and an attractive financial package to the successful applicant. Salary ranges between £55,755 – £74,867 p.a. plus additional benefits including a housing allowance of £12,252 p.a. and academic support fund of £2,426 p.a.. Please refer to the Further Particulars for the wider benefits offered by the University and Wadham College.
Applications are invited from candidates with a PhD in Latin Language and Literature or a closely related discipline; other essential requirements, and full details of the duties associated with the post, are outlined in the Further Particulars. Associate Professor is the main academic career grade at Oxford with a focus on research and teaching, spanning the full range of professor grades in the USA. Associate Professors are appointed jointly by a University department/faculty and an Oxford college, and you will have a contract with both. Associate Professors may apply for the title of full Professor in annual exercises. If the title is conferred, you will also have access to professorial merit pay opportunities. In exceptional cases, the title of full Professor may be awarded on appointment. Appointments are confirmed as permanent on successful completion of a review during the first five years. The vast majority of Associate Professors successfully complete this initial review.
Associate Professor in Ancient History
Particular focus in Roman History, broadly conceived. The post is available from 1st October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.
About you
The successful candidate will be an outstanding researcher and teacher in Roman History, broadly conceived (including the history of Late Antiquity). The appointee will be a specialist in the history of Rome and/or the Roman Empire between the third century BCE and the fourth century CE, and will be ready to teach students across the field of Roman History; a specialism in socio-cultural history is particularly welcome.
The appointee will attract and teach graduate students in Roman History and will supervise graduate student theses within their field of expertise. They will be expected to engage in advanced study and research in Roman History, and to give high quality tutorials, seminars, lectures, and supervision at both undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as support and examine students at all levels, and engage in the administrative work of the Faculty and the College - in examination assessment, admissions processes, and faculty administration.
Candidates will have, or be able to demonstrate the promise of, a distinguished record of scholarship and teaching at a level appropriate to the stage of the candidate’s career, together with clear plans for research which demonstrate an ability and a willingness to maintain that record. They should also have an ability and willingness to obtain external funding for individual or larger research projects, and an awareness of the possibilities for seeking funding in the UK and abroad. They must have received the degree of PhD/DPhil by the advertised closing date for this position.
The duties and skills required are described in further detail in the job description.
Further details and job description