Alexander Moore

My research focuses on the historical presence of Julius Caesar's military veterans and their influence on political, social, and military affairs during the various civil conflicts of the Late Roman Republic. Modern scholarship frequently acknowledges the prominence of such a collective when chronicling the infamous final decades of the Republic, but rarely discusses in adequate detail the power and authority that they possessed during this tumultuous period. It is my aim to demonstrate this phenomenon and show how Caesar's veterans became a respected (and even feared) force in Late Republican society, often influencing political rhetoric and action as various leaders vied for their support. Therefore, by detailing their roles both on and off the battlefield prior to the establishment of the Principate, the portrayal and wider reputation of Caesar's veterans, long underappreciated, can be greater understood. 

Aside from my focus on the Late Roman Republic, I am interested in wider depictions of military veterans and their socio-political relationships throughout antiquity. I also believe that we can better understand modern veterans by researching the important role played by their ancient counterparts, either by drawing direct comparisons or generally reflecting on the historical evolution of military veterans as a concept.