Dr Carolyn La Rocco

Academic Background

Before beginning the CDRF, I did my BA in History at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, an MLitt in Ancient History at the University of St Andrews, an MSt in Classical Archaeology at Oxford, a PhD in Ancient History at St Andrews, and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the RomanIslam Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies (Universität Hamburg).

Research Interests

My current project looks at material and textual evidence of patronage by women in the late- and post-Roman west (roughly 3rd-9th centuries CE). My PhD thesis, funded by the Wolfson Foundation, analysed material (archaeological, epigraphic, architectural, etc.) and textual (legal, epistolary, hagiographic, conciliar, etc.) evidence for the decline of ‘paganism’ and the rise of Christianity in late Roman and Visigothic Iberia, considering associated social, religious, class-based, or other changes. Other topics on which I am currently working include various aspects of historical and archaeological study of Iberia in the Visigothic period (e.g., Iberian mosaics, female monasticism in late- and post-Roman Iberia, Visigothic canon law).

I am also interested in Reception of the ancient and early medieval world with respect to: silent films, video games, and the ways in which the past is mis-represented for political or other gain today.

Experimental archaeology is another of my interests, particularly regarding the recreation of ancient and medieval recipes.

Research Keywords

Visigoths, Visigothic Kingdom, mosaics, Roman mosaics, Iberia, Christianisation, female patronage, late antique monasticism, Late Antiquity, religion in Late Antiquity,


Full Publications:

Selected Publications:

“Making Space in the Visigothic Kingdom: Epigraphic Evidence for Church Foundation in Sixth- and Seventh-Century Iberia.” In Lived Spaces in Late Antiquity, Machado, C. and Sweetman, R. (eds). Routledge: 118-147. (April 2024). https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780429427152-9/making-space-visigothic-kingdom-carolyn-la-rocco

-Dell’ Elicine (E.), Martin (C.) (edd.) Framing Power in Visigothic Society. Discourses, Devices, and Artifacts. Pp. 223, figs, ills, maps. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020. Cased, €99. ISBN: 978-94 6372-590-3. La Rocco, Carolyn Tyler. The Classical Review; Cambridge (April 2021). https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/classical-review/article/abs/visigothic-discourses-of-power-e-dell-elicine-c-martin-edd-framing-power-in-visigothic-society-discourses-devices-and-artifacts-pp-223-figs-ills-maps-amsterdam-amsterdam-university-press-2020-cased-99-isbn-9789463725903/55C45A7BCE661396490679323E74B234