Dr Gail Trimble

Academic Background

I took my first degree, MSt and DPhil at Corpus Christi College, Oxford between 2000 and 2010. After a year as a Junior Research Fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge, I returned to Oxford to take up the Tutorial Fellowship at Trinity College in 2011. 


Research Interests

I work primarily on Latin poetry, with particular interests in Catullus, Ovid, Virgil and Horace. Much of my work is concerned with formal aspects of literary texts: the research questions that I address often involve voice or subjectivity, intertextuality, mode and genre, referentiality, and related ways in which a text negotiates its relationships with its readers and with reality. I am also interested in the ways in which classical texts have been read and interpreted in the past, not least by their earliest Greek and Roman readers. 

I am currently completing a commentary on Catullus 64, with newly edited text, to appear in the Cambridge University Press series Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries (the ‘orange’ series). This has received support via a Research Fellowship (Early Career) from the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Following a successful international conference in September 2015 on metalepsis in classical literature, a volume that I co-edited with Sebastian Matzner, Metalepsis: Ancient Texts, New Perspectives, has just been published by Oxford University Press. I am working on an article about the gods in Ovid’s exile poetry, and my next major project will be concerned with the distinctive personal names (‘Lycidas’, ‘Corydon’ etc.) of pastoral literature.

Research Keywords

Latin poetry, especially Catullus; Literary form, especially metalepsis; pastoral.


Full Publications: Dr Gail Trimble publications-Sep-2020.docx

Selected Publications:


I teach most of the undergraduate options in Latin literature, and also the paper on Hellenistic Poetry. I also teach Latin language and Latin textual criticism, and often organise the classes on the Epic link paper for Classics and English. I supervise graduate students working on Latin poetry and its reception: I have co-supervised DPhil theses on Catullus and music and on Virgil and philosophy, and supervised MSt/MPhil dissertations on Ovid, Lucretius, Virgil and Roman tragedy.