Professor Stephen Harrison
Qualifications: MA DPhil Oxf
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I have been a fellow at Corpus Christi College since 1987 and was tutor in Latin there 1987-2020. Previously I was a post-doc (JRF) at St John’s and a junior lecturer at Magdalen, both in Oxford. But I have also been a visiting lecturer on six continents and worked for some years on collaborative Latin commentary projects in the Netherlands and Germany; I am now an occasional visiting professor at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa and have been a visiting professor/fellow at Princeton IAS and Stanford, Bergen, Copenhagen, Trondheim, La Sapienza (Rome), Siena, Turin, Sorbonne Université, Jerusalem (Hebrew University), Tel Aviv and the Universities of Canterbury and Otago in New Zealand.
My main research interests are in Latin literature and its reception, particularly Augustan poetry (esp. Vergil and Horace), the Roman novel (esp. Apuleius) and neo-Latin (esp. the great 16C Scottish neo-Latin poet George Buchanan, whose Silvae I am currently editing). Recent authored books include [sole author] The Neo-Latin Verse of Urban VIII, Alexander VII and Leo XIII (Bloomsbury, 2024), [with Regine May] Apuleius in European Literature: Cupid and Psyche since 1650 (OUP, 2024), and [with Lorna Hardwick and Elizabeth Vandiver] and Rupert Brooke, Charles Sorley, Isaac Rosenberg and Wilfred Owen: Classical Connections (OUP 2024). Recent co-edited books include [with Paolo Dainotti and Alexandre Hasegawa] Style in Latin Poetry (De Gruyter, 2024) and [with Gesine Manuwald, William Barton and Bobby Xinyue], An Anthology of Neo-Latin Poetry by Classical Scholars (Bloomsbury, 2024). I am currently co-editing an anthology of neo-Latin literature by women for Bloomsbury and a collective volume on Seamus Heaney’s translation of Aeneid 6 for OUP. For a full publication list see
I am happy to take on new doctoral students in the areas of neo-Latin and the reception of classical Latin literature.
Selected Publications:
The Neo-Latin Verse of Urban VIII, Alexander VII and Leo XIII (Bloomsbury, 2024)
[with Regine May] Apuleius in European Literature: Cupid and Psyche since 1650 (OUP, 2024)
[with Lorna Hardwick and Elizabeth Vandiver] (both OUP, 2024, the first a shorter version of the second)
Greek and Roman Antiquity in First World War Poetry: Making Connections
Rupert Brooke, Charles Sorley, Isaac Rosenberg and Wilfred Owen: Classical Connections
Selected Recent Chapters/Articles
Tony Harrison and Rome’, in Sandie Byrne, ed., Tony Harrison and The Classics (OUP, 2022), 57-74.
‘‘A Professor in Scottish Politics: Andrew Melville (1545–1622), Stephaniskion’ in Gesine Manuwald and Lucy R. Nicholas, eds, An Anthology of Neo-Latin Literature in British Universities (Bloomsbury, 2022) 95-122.
‘Papal Paradise: Maffeo Barberini's Verse Letter to Lorenzo Magalotti’, Neulateinisches Jahrbuch 24 (2022) 69-90.
‘A Professor in Scottish Politics: Andrew Melville (1545–1622), Stephaniskion’ in Gesine Manuwald and Lucy R. Nicholas, eds, An Anthology of Neo-Latin Literature in British Universities (Bloomsbury, 2022) 95-122.
‘Maffeo Barberini’s Poems for the Farnese Family in Early Baroque Rome’ in Jacqueline Glomski, Gesine Manuwald and Andrew Taylor (eds.), Baroque Latinity: Studies in the Neo-Latin Literature of the European Baroque (Bloomsbury, 2023), 121-36.
‘Horace on Sacred Space: The Odes and Augustan Temples’, in Monica Gale and Anna Chahoud (eds.), The Augustan Space: The Poetics of Geography, Topography and Monumentality (Cambridge, 2024), 70-84.
‘Catullus 1—Book and Boy?’, in +Stratis Kyriakidis and Charilaos N. Michalopoulos (eds.), Secretis bene uiuere siluis: Studies in Latin Literature in Honour of Robert Maltby (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2024) 196-206.
‘Horace’s Roman Odes: A Book within a Book?’, in Myrto Aloumpi and Antony Augoustakis (eds.), LUX: Studies in Greek and Latin Literature In Honor of Lucia Athanassaki (De Gruyter, 2024) 727-44.
‘Vergil and Sibylline Prophecy: Generic Multiplicity in the Aeneid’, in Marco Formisano, Lisa Cordes, and Janja Soldo (eds.), Italo Calvino and Classics: Lightness – Quickness – Multiplicity (De Gruyter, 2024), 272-88.
Selected Previous Books
Horace: Odes 2 (Cambridge University Press, 2017)
Victorian Horace: Classics and Class (Bloomsbury, 2017)
Framing the Ass: Literary Form in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses , (Oxford University Press 2013).
Living classics: Greece and Rome in Contemporary Poetry in English, ed. (Oxford University Press 2009).
Generic Enrichment in Vergil and Horace, (Oxford University Press 2007).
A Companion to Latin Literature, ed. (Blackwell 2005)
Texts, Ideas and the Classics : Scholarship, Theory and Classical Literature, ed. (Oxford University Press 2001)
Apuleius: A Latin Sophist, (Oxford University Press 2000).
Homage to Horace, ed. (Oxford University Press, 1995)
A Commentary on Vergil, Aeneid 10 , (Oxford University Press 1991).