Professor Valentina Arena

Academic Background

I received my first degree from the University of Florence, Department of Ancient Studies (Italy), and my PhD from University College London, History Department (2003), where I taught Ancient History until 2024. Since then, I have been the Camden Professor of Ancient History at Oxford University.

Research Interests

History of ancient ideas and ancient political thought, intellectual history, oratory and rhetoric, ancient production of knowledge, antiquarianism. I am currently leading the ERC funded project ‘Ordering, Constructing, Empowering: the Fragments of the Roman Republican Antiquarians’ (FRRAnt).

Research Keywords

Ancient ideas, liberty, popular sovereignty, democracy, rights, ancient constitutionalism, Republicanism, Roman law, Roman political culture, oratory, ancient antiquarianism, the ancient philosophy of language and epistemology.


I shall teach most Roman history topics at PGT level, and my supervision and lecturing will fall particularly in the fields of research as listed under my Research Interests


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